140 Following

Lisa Henry

I'm a writer. I write m/m erotica. Kind of dark stuff, even though in real life I like rainbows and puppies and kittens. Not all at once though. That would be overwhelming.

Currently reading

Whatever The Cost
Lynn Kelling
Aleksandr Voinov
The Magpie Lord
K.J. Charles
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
E.K. Weaver

Coming Soon: Brandon Mills versus the V-Card

In exciting news, JA Rock and I have a release date forBrandon Mills versus the V-Card, the second in our Prescott College series. For those of you playing at home, the date is October 28!



Dinosaurs. Brandon and Alex love them.



I don’t know what it is with the Prescott books, but the timing is always terrible for me when it comes to promo. When Mark Cooper versus America came out, I was in hospital and, despite all my best intentions to get some work done while in there, I spent a lot more time being unconscious than I’d intended. Also being on drugs that made me very happy and floaty.


Brandon Mills is out the week after GRL, and I’ll be in San Francisco that week with my friend Kate, who I met a gazillion years on my first day of school at Goondiwindi State High. So, once again, the lion’s share of the blogging and stuff will be down to JA. But I will totally pay her back in chocolate. She knows I’m good for it.


But you can’t have a sequel without a three-quel, right? That’s a word now. So, from the kinkfest of Mark Cooper versus America, to the awkward sweetness of Brandon Mills versus the V-Card, to:


Ta da!


Liam McDermott versus Authority.


This is the working title for our third Prescott book. And yes, there will be kink. There will be a D/s relationship. And, for Liam McDermott, college will mean a very steep learning curve.