I'm a writer. I write m/m erotica. Kind of dark stuff, even though in real life I like rainbows and puppies and kittens. Not all at once though. That would be overwhelming.
I am only posting information that is easily and publicly available. Links are good as of the time of posting this. All screen shots are my own.
Michael Alexander Beas
Let's start this one with his Goodreads profile, shall we?
As you can see, Mr. Beas is a Goodreads author as well as member. Let's have a look at his reviewing stats.
As of 23 July 2014, he has 388 ratings, 351 reviews. His average rating of 4.90 means he gives very, very few books less than a 5-star rating.
Michael Beas is the #97 top reviewer on Goodreads as of 23 July 2014 when this screenshot was made.
But as stated above, Mr. Beas is also an author. Here is the Goodreads book page for his fantasy novel Strump:
His book has 17 ratings, almost all 5-star for an average of 4.88.
The same holds true on Amazon.com.
Of the 18 reviews on Amazon.com for Strump, 17 are 5-star, one is 4-star.
Michael Beas, using his own name, is also a reviewer on Amazon.com
He clearly states his location as Waxhaw, North Carolina, exactly as on the Goodreads profile.
Here is Michael Beas' review of The Galadima Conspiracy by Dan Abubakar, posted on Goodreads on 23 July 2014.
And for good measure, here is Michael Beas' Amazon review of the same book, also posted on 23 July 2014:
Next stop, fiverr.com for the profile of book review seller "Strump."
As you can see, the fiverr profile page incorporates the cover of the book Strump with the author's name clearly visible: Michael Alexander Beas.
A close-up of the profile avatar is also revealing:
as is the actual profile text for "Strump":
"Strump" is an author. He will only post 4- and 5-star reviews.
Now let's take a look at some of the testimonials posted to "Strump's" fiverr gigs:
Here's one from "9 days ago."
Here is Michael Beas' Goodreads review of Vito Veii's book
Here is the same book's listing on Amazon.com
And Michael Beas' review of that book on Amazon.com:
The Amazon.com review is also dated 14 July 2014. Nine days ago.
The testimonial from "vitoveii" clearly states that he has utilized the services of "strump" as a provider of reviews.
Michael Beas review of Skies Like These by Tess Hilmo, dated 22 July 2014
And the fiverr testimonial from "thilmo" with the cover of Skies Like These avatar
Again, all of this information is readily and easily available. I've provided all the links.