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Lisa Henry

I'm a writer. I write m/m erotica. Kind of dark stuff, even though in real life I like rainbows and puppies and kittens. Not all at once though. That would be overwhelming.

Currently reading

Whatever The Cost
Lynn Kelling
Aleksandr Voinov
The Magpie Lord
K.J. Charles
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
E.K. Weaver

I don't have attention deficit dis...oh! Look! A Bunny!

So, it turns out I'm quite easily distracted. If I'm not juggling at least 6 projects at once, I get bored. I like to jump from WIP to WIP to WIP until I get...wait for it...WIPLASH!
That joke was terrible. I apologise unreservedly.
*bows head and performs ritual of abject contrition*
Anyway, at the moment I'm working away on the sequel toDark Space, as well as my Samoan-Australian policeman story and, with J.A. Rock, a sequel to Mark Cooper versus America, and a bunch of other things from The List. And this was quite enough to keep me busy.
Which is why I will never know why I decided to look through my filing cabinet.
My filing cabinet is a mess. The rail things that the files hang off have been busted for years, so stuff is just shoved in there. Most of it is so old it's typewritten. Or, worse, written in the back school exercise books. My filing cabinet is basically a cross between a repository for every piece of fiction I've ever written (apart from the stuff that was justifiably destroyed), a nursery for young spiders, a gecko hatchery, and a dust bunny sanctuary.
Anyway, I opened it.
And it found the uncompleted fantasy epic that I began writing in high school. It was surprisingly obsessed with crows. 


Also, it's everything you'd expect: cliche piled upon cliche, terrible world building, a meandering plot, and full of so many Mary Sue characters that I want to build a time machine, go back to when I was fifteen, and punch myself in the head.
Also, on the first page, instead of could have had, I wrote could of had.
As in, of all the things I could have had, I wish it had been basic grammatical knowledge.
So, it's terrible.
But it's not too terrible. Underneath all that terribleness, there's the germ of an interesting idea. And I'm quite excited, because I think I can do something with it. I need to make some extensive changes, but I can do that.
I'll start with the prince's love interest. 
He's totally a boy now. :)