140 Following

Lisa Henry

I'm a writer. I write m/m erotica. Kind of dark stuff, even though in real life I like rainbows and puppies and kittens. Not all at once though. That would be overwhelming.

Currently reading

Whatever The Cost
Lynn Kelling
Aleksandr Voinov
The Magpie Lord
K.J. Charles
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
E.K. Weaver

REBLOGGED: PSA - Shorten your posts in the feed!

Reblogged from OstensiblyA:

If you don't want to annoy lots of people with big assed posts on their dash... Use the page break function. Makes things so much less huge.




Spread the word!


This adds a "Read More" button to expand the post.



*Did I reblog this before? I don't remember but it's a good thing for people to see again. Scrolling through super long posts is cumbersome. You can add this when reblogging, too.